Pregnancy starts with the release of the pregnancy hormone named Beta-HCG. This hormone brings in changes in all the systems of the body. The pregnant lady perceives the symptoms as shortness of breath, pounding heart rate, change in digestion, change in likes and dislikes, food eversion, change in taste, mood swings, and many more. She has a new operating body inside her and this is driven by pregnancy hormone. She takes the first 3 months of pregnancy to understand her own new body functions and to get accustomed to them.
Out of all the changes, the mood swing disturbs the couple the most. Some days are happy days for her and somedays she feels very low and continues to cry the whole day. Either way, It is normal to feel so because this is a physiological change happening due to pregnancy.
The lady’s mood swing also affects the partner. The partner also fails to understand why is she behaving differently. He gets confused about what to do and what not to do. He fails in his attempt to keep the mother happy. He gets snapped very often. In severe cases, he also decides to take the mother to a psychiatrist or counselor for anger management.
Here are 5 ways to handle mood swings in early pregnancy.