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Living With PCOS: 5 Tips For Adolescent Girls

Living With PCOS: 5 Tips For Adolescent Girls

Almost 5-10% of adolescent girls in India are diagnosed with PCOS. And, the roots of the disease start growing right in the teenage years.

Adolescent years range from 10 years to 19 years in young girls. This is the time when the female body undergoes the most significant physical and hormonal changes. This phase is termed puberty. The menstrual cycle in women starts during these years and takes another 2 to 3 years until it completely settles down. The first year of menstruation shows a very erratic pattern because the hormonal tract isn’t well-formed. The process takes time to relax and function periodically. 

When the hormones are settling down during the initial phases of menstruation, maintaining a good lifestyle becomes an essential pointer. An unhealthy lifestyle with no physical movements and bad eating habits won’t allow the hormones to settle well. 

My daughter was ten years old when her menstrual cycle started. In another six months, she had put on 10 kilograms, which was a warning sign for me to act upon. At that time I knew that the coming three years would be the construction period for her hormonal system; otherwise, it would get too late. Taking action at that time was crucial, or else she would get trapped in the vicious cycle of PCOS. The general symptoms of PCOS include irregular menstrual cycle, acne, weight gain, obesity, emotional disturbance caused due to the changing shape of the body that leads to body shaming. Being a mother, I knew exactly how it feels when you see your daughter experiencing emotional turmoil and avoiding social life.

I started sending her to play in the park so that she could engage in healthy movements. Initially, she took some time to make friends, but now she plays for 2-3 hours every day. This has resulted in 5 kgs weight loss in one month, and her menstrual cycle has been regular for the past year. Alongside the healthy movement, I also educated her on the importance and significance of eating healthy, sleeping on time, looking fresh, and maintaining hygiene as part of her daily routine.  

What exactly happens with a girl suffering from PCOS?

Symptoms of PCOS vary in different girls. It is not important that all the signs would be visible and noticeable in all-girls suffering from PCOS. 

The general symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Excess weight gain
  • Acne of the face more on the forehead
  • Excess hair growth on the face or hands and legs
  • Thinning of scalp hair and changing skin texture
  • Mood swings

PCOS can be taken under control with significant lifestyle changes. A lifestyle correction and modification can help establish a proper balance of hormones and add value to the teen’s life.

Let’s look at five lifestyle habits an adolescent girl suffering from PCOS can implement in her daily routine:

1. Awareness

It is important for the young girl to be fully aware of the menstrual cycle and the influencing factors. Being aware is the first step. This will help to take action at the right time and prevent the symptoms of PCOD.

  • Know about PCOD and its symptoms
  • Know how to prevent it. The girl should 
  • Know about warning signs of PCOS like weight gain, acne

2. Physical Well-being: Bringing movement into the daily routine

Moving the body is very important. Regular exercise will help in maintaining a healthy weight. The activity can be in any form: It can be dancing, playing any sport like badminton, hockey or volleyball on an everyday basis, or a good yoga session and many other kinds. The sole purpose is getting the required movement. Going to Gym is not recommended for girls below 18yrs.

3. Eating healthy

Another important aspect of a healthy lifestyle is eating balanced and well-proportioned meals. The food bowl should have the right amount of protein, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients essential for the body. Avoiding junk food is a must. If the girl’s weight is good enough, occasional binges won’t do much harm. Everything in moderation will result in the positive change you want to witness. 

4. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Purposefully, everything at the end is all about bringing a sustainable lifestyle into existence. A balanced lifestyle includes activities like sleeping on time, getting a good amount of rest, eating well-proportioned meals at correct timings, playing in the evening, and being productive. It is means living in a healthy and happy environment, a good family culture.

5. Mental and emotional health

Mental and emotional well-being is as important as any other aspect of well-being. The mood swings, hormonal imbalance, body image, friends, society and others add in a lot to the life of a teen when it comes to emotional stability. Taking special care about the way the girl child feels about herself is a responsibility of the parent. If needed, a counseling session is highly suggested. The hormonal stability will follow only after the emotional stability

If you are a mother of an adolescent girl, taking care of the following factors is integral:

  1. Keep a check on the child’s weight. Do not allow the girl to be obese—control weight at the right time. Daily paytime and a proper healthy diet are a must.
  2. Maintain a fixed routine for all daily chores. A well-structured day will bring in proper hormonal balance, not allowing the hormones to be erratic.
  3. Start iron-rich food and iron supplements if required.
  4. Keep the child happy and be her friend.
  5. Educate her about the factors that influence the menstrual cycle. 
  6. Create a happy environment at home.
  7. Do not send her to the gym before 18yrs.
  8. Do not tell her that she has a disease called PCOD. Rather inform her that the regular menstrual cycle demands a healthy lifestyle. 


