Best Gynecologist in Gurgaon
Family Health Clinic - Gurgaon Sector 56

Management Of Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is a medical condition where Urine leaks out while doing physical activities like playing, coughing, sneezing, dancing, and exercising. This happens due to weakness in the pelvic floor muscles leading to weakness in the bladder support muscles and thus involuntary leakage of urine.

Management of Stress incontinence

  1. Kegel Exercise ( Pelvic Floor muscle exercises)
  2. Bladder training
  3. Schedulimh frequent bathroom breaks
  4. Lifestyle modifications
  5. Medical devices (Vaginal pessaries)
  6. Medications and HRT
  7. Surgical procedures
  8. Newer advancements – machines to stimulate the muscles
  9. Radiofrequency therapies.

To know more on Stress Incontinence, book an appointment with Dr Rekha Thakur on 8800499750.
