To help the couple conceive, We offer Counselling sessions, Ovulation Inductions, Follicular monitoring, Intrauterine Insemination(IUI), Invitro Fertilization (IVF), and many more. Every step is performed in-house under the guidance of a fertility specialist.
We handhold the couple for nine months and beyond, making their pregnancy journey a memorable one All consultations, blood tests, ultrasounds, vaccinations are done in the clinic. We take care of baby birth in the corporate hospitals of Gurgaon of your choice (Dr Rekha Thakur will deliver the baby).
Childbirth (Baby Birth)
In collaboration with all corporate hospitals of Gurgaon for childbirth, Dr Rekha Thakur assures care and comfort for the mother, with multiple visits & consultations, including normal delivery or Cesarean.
The new parents will follow up with Dr Rekha Thakur at Wellstar Clinic. Frequent educational workshops on newborn baby care, both online and offline sessions, are conducted, assisting the parents in their parenthood.
Childbirth Education Classes and Pregnancy Package
These additional bonuses add flavor and value to the couple’s journey towards parenthood.